Amazing Christian Revival Story!

3 years ago

Light in the D Highlights - 5-10 minute highlight from Light in the D.

Adam Baron, from the Tatlow Society, shares an amazing story about a Christian revival!

We hope the story blesses and encourages you!

Adam Baron who is Director of Community Engagement & Strategy, Special Assistant to the President at Rochester University, in Rochester, Michigan, AND the Founding Director of the Tatlow Society which exists to strategically advance the mission expansion work of local, national, and international Inter-Collegiate Campus Ministries.

You can learn more about Adam Baron and The Tatlow Society by visiting

If you'd like to contact Adam Baron, he can be reached at

Light in the D is available on Youtube, and everywhere podcasts are found. If you enjoy Light in the D consider leaving an ★★★★★ iTunes review. Subscribe and share!

For inquiries about "Light in the D" contact John Irvine at

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