Taliban takeover and the East/West culture clash | Salim Mansur

3 years ago

The West's capitulation in Afghanistan marks a pivot point in East-West geopolitics and just as the 20th century was Europe-centered in politics and culture the 21st century will have all eyes on Asia with Afghanistan being at the heart of it.

The West abandoned colonialism after World War II only to replace it with "Nation Building" which, as our guest, Professor Salim Mansur describes is just colonialism under another name and doomed to fail.

As Salim explains, the West was unprepared for this dynamic shift and rather than end its failed efforts to build democracies in parts of the world where there is no history of individualism it has instead embraced the tribal and collectivist attitudes of its enemies resulting in a string of military failures and the deconstruction of Western values here at home.

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