Spowiedz Ratownika (Confessions of a Medical Emergency Officer)

3 years ago

The medical officer with 11 years of experience is afraid to show his face because of the fear of losing his job.
He says: the mortality of this "disease" is around 2%, the restrictions implemented apply to diseases with mortality rates above 70%. All the pieces of information spread by the media, including allegedly overwhelmed hospitals are false. It's all a damn lie.
The PCR tests are inadequate and misinforming, but the information about the new cases is based solely upon them.
The Abbott tests require a medical buffer substance that is in great demand so they use Saline Solution for injection instead, which by itself always gives positive test results.
Even though the recommendation of using Saline Solution as a replacement for buffer substance went out directly from the supervising officers, they denied the knowledge of always positive results.
The patients of emergency service must be PCR tested before being driven to the hospital. As all the tests are falsely positive, all the patients end up in infectious diseases hospitals, no matter what happened to them and what kind of help was needed.
He presents an experiment with the test and Saline Solution for injection only and shows it comes as positive.
When the patient's test comes positive, the patient is allegedly considered infected with STUPID-19.
7 of 8 tests show positive results with or without the patient's DNA, which in this case is utterly redundant. The test lasts around 15 minutes, and the positive result "appears" inevitably. When it happens, the patient is considered infected and must be placed in an infectious diseases hospital. 50% of the tests used for STUPID-19 diagnostic are the Abbotts' tests.
He describes the patients' fear and panic when they learn they are infected. They want to be placed in the hospital immediately for any price, so sometimes the hospitals are overwhelmed with perfectly healthy people.
The medical officers don't care as their salaries increased dramatically. It's good money for them all. A lifetime opportunity to earn more than ever. Their usual monthly wages of 1,000 Euro exceed 2,500 Euro, now. So they all want this pandemic to last as long as possible. All medical staff's wages increased 100%, not to mention extra bonuses for night shifts and bank holidays. That makes them "unable" to talk about this scam and the reality of the so-called pandemic. It's extra money for everyone.
He decided to talk as he couldn't stand that innocent people suffer, and the medical staff knows the truth.
He couldn't stand the situation when healthy people are being killed. When the medical help has been denied because of non-compliance with STUPID-19 government regulations. He mentions the number of suicides, the number he has never experienced within his work life.
The hospitals close their door to any new "cases" or common accidents while just one case is confirmed within them. They do not need anybody else to get paid. One patient is enough. They stay empty with one, two patients in ER, and people with the need for hospitality are being driven all around the counties pleading to be accepted to any hospital that would like to accept them. Sometimes it doesn't happen, and the patient dies in an ambulance.
They must disinfect the ambulance after every patient they carried. The number of false results makes the number of "patients" unbearable to handle so does the proper disinfection.
He describes the inappropriate equipment they use that does not give any protection against anything.
Then he mentions the adverse effects when vaccinated people start to behave erratically. They are nervous, unable to function, cannot walk, they cannot sleep. Some of them die of unknown causes.
Most of the vaccinated ones were never ill. They never had any health problems. They didn't need any vaccines.
Dead bodies are not autopsied, they are immediately cremated.
He states that he will not accept any of offered STUPID-19 vaccines as he does not trust in them unless they are to be proven to be effective. He does not fear the virus at all. He went through it with symptoms of the normal flu.
In his opinion, asymptomatic cases do not exist. It's all sick propaganda, nothing else. And this propaganda in conjunction with untested vaccines is the real cause of mortality among the people.
However, the scariest thing for him is that many people want this situation to last forever.

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