‘American Idol’ alum Syesha Mercado, partner fight to regain custody of children taken by Florida

3 years ago

‘American Idol’ alum Syesha Mercado, partner fight to regain custody of children taken by Florida authorities.
“American Idol” star Syesha Mercado and her partner Tyron Deneer held a virtual press conference Tuesday as the couple continued their fight to regain custody of their two children.
The couple last week recorded a viral video showing their newborn daughter being removed from their custody during a traffic stop in Manatee County, Florida.
Mercado and Deneer said their 18-month-old son was taken from their care in March after they brought him to Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St.
Petersburg to be treated for dehydration.
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“I am a pregnant, breastfeeding, mama who went to the hospital with the intention to get my son, Amen’Ra, some ‘fluids’ while transitioning from extended breastfeeding to being bottle-fed,” Mercado recalled in a post on their GoFundMe page.

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