For Your Left Behind Loved Ones/Resources on Amazon

3 years ago

For Your Left Behind Loved Ones/Resources on Amazon

May the Lord's sweet presence sustain you Heartdwellers and lead you into all truth.

Well, this is a happy announcement. The thumb drives are now available on Amazon. You will have to search for the Tethered Thumb Drive or Clare du Bois, to find it. They put it in electronics of all places. 'Cause it was in the format of a thumb drive. It's 16gb.

For now, while the supply lasts, these all are paid for except for Amazon's fees. The four CD set is also available and the Tethered Book as well. These materials are for saving the relatives that feel absolutely stunned and hopeless after you are Raptured.

All the important teachings from the last year: How to Get a Word From the Lord, How to Discern familiar spirits, what to expect when you are trying to survive on the run - the Lord's own encouraging words to them, so they will know God is STILL for them, still loves them, still with them and they can rely 100% on Him for everything they need, including healing and the courage to face death if need be.

I have also made The Divine Mercy Chaplet, contemplative version, CD available from Amazon. I want to explain to you that this was recorded and manufactured over a decade ago when we were in the Catholic church. So, for those of you who object to the intercession of the saints, or Mary's intercession, just ignore that one prayer in the beginning. For all of you who are new to the channel, we do not belong to any religious institution. We belong to Jesus, and only Jesus.

The Divine Mercy prayer is all based on Scripture and was given to Faustina Kowalska who was a nun in Poland during the 1930's and died at a young age, the very night the first shot from WW2 was fired. She had interceded against this war as it was brewing and was told by the Lord, that He could no longer hold back the judgment. At that time, she was just a wonderful intercessor and her prayers were very powerful.

Her whole message was on the great Mercy of God and that no one appealing to His mercy would be denied. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a healing manifest when I prayed only for Mercy. Amazing. I'll lay hands on my husband, when he's having a bout of something, and I'll just pray for Mercy - and it's amazing that the Lord intervenes and takes the pain away. So, God's Mercy is the most wonderful and beautiful manifestation of His love.

She was given this devotion because the world was a mess in the 1930'2. People had lost the faith, were steeped in fornication and drinking and adultery, at a time when exposing provocative parts of the body became the fashion. Drinking and immorality were at an all time high, and people were dying and going to Hell with no one to pray for them. She was often translated to the bedside of the dying and unsaved, where she prevailed upon God to have mercy. For this reason, it is very comforting to play this in the room of a person who is dying. My mother asked me to play it for her, over and over again as she was passing. She found great comfort in it.

The Lord appeared to Faustina many, many times and she offered her life to Him. She just carried her cross to the end. He promised her, that anyone who appealed to His mercy would find it. Now is the time when this prayer is desperately needed. Even though it was given to a sister in the Catholic church, it is a universal plea for God to have mercy on us before it's too late. This is not a Marian devotion, it is a devotion to the power of God's Mercy.

For too long, all denominations have focused on judgment and punishment so extremely that you can hardly find a man or woman alive who is devout, and who isn't plagued by condemnation and a legalistic spirit not unlike the Pharisees of Jesus time.

This prayer has been given to counteract the deadly poisons of a Religious Spirit that are still prevalent in our culture and turn people off to God on a daily basis. I have found in praying it that as I lift my heart to the Father, He brings to mind groups of people all over the world who are in desperate need of Mercy, especially the unsaved victims of tragedy and false religions. I recorded it specifically for this reason and this time, because we are in the end of times, the end of days. People need Mercy more than ever.

During the prayer for mercy, there is a real sense of being connected with the whole world, even though we are hidden away in our prayer closets. It is as one Christian man put it, "When we pray, we are at the center and hub of the wheel, and our prayers reach out to the spokes and rim of the wheel, and we become more in union with the world than if we were actually out in the mission field on one of the spokes at the rim of the wheel. We become more effective as we pray to God the Father."

There are many Divine Mercy CD's that are really well done and shorter. I'll warn you about that - it's a little long. But for this one, I was led to compose it to bring an extraordinary peace and calm into the room and draw us away from the busy-ness of the world. The music has keyboard, synthesizer, violin, cello, flute, flowing water sounds and orchestral strings. It has already been paid for, it is selling just for Amazon's fees. So, that's under my name also on Amazon.

Moving on, we have a book that is a companion volume to the Tethered thumb drive and the CD collection. The Tethered book focuses more on prophecy and the messages from Jesus about the events to take place during the Tribulation and how to survive. The Lord spends a lot of time telling everyone what is yet to come and how to keep your faith and how He will provide for you. He also devotes many messages to the wonderful things we have to look forward to in Heaven.

As a matter of fact if you really want to know what He's prepared for you, read Chronicles of the Bride. That's our first book. That's all about our visits to Heaven, Jesus' personality when He is with His Bride, and how very detailed the 'place' He's prepared just for you is. It's a real eye opener on His true nature when interacting with His Bride, one on One.

The Rapture Was Real is a book that really covers the most important teachings our Lord has given us in the past year and a half. From discernment and getting a word, to letters from Jesus to the left behind, to how to prepare your hearts for Jesus and live a holy life, to events that will occur in the next 7 years, to getting along with one another as a group and what can go wrong in a group. It has many character forming teachings He has given us. A lot of things that are not commonly talked about in Christian circles, like true humility, gentleness, and total reliance on God, and how easy it is to pray for a healing. And a final chapter on what we have waiting for us in Heaven.

The other two books, Love Letters To My Bride I and II, are collections of messages for the past two years on our channel, the Still Small Voice Channel. There is a very clear sense of Jesus speaking with us in these two books as He forms and draws us closer to Him, removing the spots, wrinkles and blemishes we have acquired in our lives.

And as a final word on these, we are NOT making money on these, they are strictly there to draw souls into an intimate relationship with their Savior. So, if you believe in the teachings, just for the sake of others who don't know anything about us, encouraging them to try the books, by giving it a rating and a good review will really help draw others closer to the Lord. I know that I don't buy anything before I read all the reviews. So, a specific review and some stars go a long way to encourage others to read our books.

On that note, thank you all who purchased books and taken the time to leave a review, I appreciate that so very much. And in Heaven, the fruit of conversions from these materials is something you personally will share in and bring glory to Our God and Savior Jesus Christ.

May the Lord finish the good work He has begun in all of us. Amen.

Do you enjoy seeing messages from Jesus???

These messages are also posted on Bitchute:
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These messages are also posted on Brighteon:

Please visit our website for over 1,000 more, with Pdf’s and MP3’s of the messages
and many other benefits, like a Rhema page, Testimonies, Outreach, Books and more!

NOTE: We now have an email account dedicated for Prayer, Questions, and Serious Concerns that you wish to keep private. One member of our Team and volunteered to monitor this new email address until the new website is up and running. Here is that address:
We now have a link for you to bookmark the entire listing of Albums, with clickable hyperlinks TO the Albums. We are hoping this makes finding out what is available, as well as finding them, easier for you all. Open this and save as a Bookmark. That’s it!

Link to file:
OUR MUSIC SITE can now be found at this link:
These books, CDs and art are being moved into the public domain, but until then you may copy and distribute at cost only, not for profit, anything I have created with the Lord's help. He has freely given, who can copyright the words of the Lord and make of them an item of profit and commerce? My heart is that all should have these at no cost so you can go to our website and download them for free @
And if you have no means to purchase these write to me at, p.o. box 1113, Taos, NM 87571 and I will send you whatever I have on hand at your request. The Love of Jesus be with you. - Clare du Bois

This video is OUR heart here - as He gives to us, we can give to others:

For a compilation of all of the references and teachings about the DOME OF THE ROCK:

Our itunes page:
Chronicles of the Bride Book at SmashWords:
Chronicles of the Bride Book at Amazon:
Chronicles of the Bride Book free PDF:

DONATE HERE: or by mail: HeartDwellers.Inc, P.O. Box 1113, Taos, New Mexico, 87571 We are a full-time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you a hundred-fold, both now and in the age to come. You can't out-give the Lord! May He enfold you in His Loving Arms.

We are now a non-profit organization. Tax receipts for 2017 will be available, but not immediately. Please consider an extension on filing to allow our staff time to prepare all the necessary paperwork.

You can buy a hard copy of Chronicles of the Bride on Amazon
or use the free download on our web site.

We have other books, as well as, Love Letters To My Bride, 1, 2, 3 and The Rapture WAS Real?!, Tethered and Rhema...

Dear Family,
We now have a blog just for you to post your experiences and read about others who are coming into intimate relationship with Jesus. We'd love to hear about Him touching you at prayer time, or visions you have had with Him, going to Heaven, etc.
Love you all so very dearly…you are such a consolation to Ezekiel and I.

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