3 years ago

Its video will help you to reduce your belly fat easily at home , please watch the video properly and doing same at your home ...


How Gaining Muscle While Losing Fat Helps
Women Get Fit, Sexy and Bikini-Ready...

Not only does this body transformation system work for women too, replacing fat with muscle is EXACTLY what most women need, but aren't getting, because most women are worried about getting "bulky."

Women who don't train for more muscle are making a BIG mistake! If you strip off fat AT THE SAME TIME as you put on lean muscle, you don't get bulky - you get strong and sexy!

Let me prove it with some before and after photos of our female Body Transsformation Challenge finalists who stripped off fat, and by adding a little bit of muscle in just the right places, sculpted beautifully toned, sexy bodies.

Take a look at Danielle's transformation...

She cut almost 10 pounds of fat while gaining a pound of muscle. And remember, this was achieved in just 50 days.

Even more impressive, Danielle was working up to 12 hours a day with a long commute and shift work. With that kind of stress, most people have plenty of excuses to blow off working out and eating healthy.

When my Body Transformation Challenge contest was issued, she jumped at the opportunity to transform herself and in just 7 weeks, made a remarkable shift from fat to muscle.

Danielle cut 9.6 lbs of fat while gaining a pound of muscle!

The Myth About Women And Gaining Muscle

Danielle's results show that women can quickly add lean muscle while losing fat, and that adding muscle in the right places makes women look leaner, sexier and more feminine! The idea that women who gain muscle will look bulky or masculine is completely false (except for women who take anabolic steroid drugs, and I would NEVER recommend that!)

Of course, Danielle only gained a pound of muscle, so you might be wondering, "what if she gained as much muscle as Josh or Ryan? Wouldn't that make a woman look manly?

Glad you asked. Look at Sarah's before and after photos below. This lays to rest that notion that weight training and building lean muscle makes women bulky. Her body transformation pics also reveal why the scale can play tricks on you...

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