A Bit of Clarity August 18, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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A Bit of Clarity August 18, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

This past Monday night, I explained how efforts to re-secure our assets have been undermined and gone haywire to the extent that plans were being made to use the returned labor bonds owed to the people of this country to fund the RV.
This is screw loose from many different perspectives, not the least of which is that the money produced by those bonds is "dirty money" --- the result of criminal activities that took place in this country for almost a hundred years, right under the noses of our precious vaunted military geniuses.
Such money has to be returned to the people of this country, but it cannot be returned to them on an individual basis because they would immediately become "tainted" as beneficiaries of crime and would be presumed to be accomplices to the crimes.
Those bonds have to be "settled" and the receipts have to be returned to the lawful government and to our International Trade Bank for distribution. We have already described in part the First Wave of relief in the form of a Vendor Card that will allow Americans to discharge public debt with pre-paid credit.
I was so disgusted with certain members of the U.S. Military for inserting themselves in the repatriation process and presuming to have authority over the civilian government even after Peace has been declared and the lawful government has presented itself, that I asked the members of our Assemblies to sit down and sound off on their own behalf.
The address for the Joint Chiefs of Staff is: 9999 Joint Staff Pentagon, Washington, DC 20318-9999.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/08/a-bit-of-clarity.html

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Assembly Training https://www.assemblytraining.us/
National Debt Relief https://signinamerica.com/
Thank you. ~ Ed

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