The REASON Our Bonds Cannot Fund the RV August 17, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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The REASON Our Bonds Cannot Fund the RV August 17, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

The actual crime began in 1921 with the "birth registration" practices that started under the Maternity Act. The proponents hailed this as a step forward toward better health (sound familiar) and claimed that it would allow a better and more scientific basis to provide pre- and post-natal care recommendations for both mother and child. Blah-blah-blah.
In reality, it provided a basis for an unauthorized census, aimed at a particular segment of the population, and it was supposed to impact only Federal Citizens. In actual practice, however, it was applied to everyone along with a registration process that was undisclosed.
As I have explained on many occasions, any time you register anything, you give away your ownership interest in it. Whether it is a car, a corporation, or a baby, the result is the same. It starts out as your private property and ends up as public collateral. In this way, the ownership of the children passed from their parents to the Queen, who greedily fed upon their assets --- their land, their rights, their bodies, and their labor.
Acting as their Trustee and placing them all in the international jurisdiction of the sea, she taught these children in Public Schools provided by the Crown using their own assets to do it --- to swear "allegiance" to the borrowed American flag being used by her government to exercise certain contractually delegated powers.
Though it seemed innocent enough, The Pledge of Allegiance is in fact an ancient feudal act (also undisclosed) by which the victim serf promises his or her all-in-all to the sovereign, in this case, allegiance to an undisclosed form of "United States of America" ---- that turns out to be a British Corporation, and the "republic for which it stands" ---- that turns out to be our own long-lost, vacated, and ruinated Federal Republic, the American Subcontractor that is supposed to be the dominant part of our Federal Government.
So we have all these poor babies being unwittingly "voluntarily surrendered" by their clueless Mothers and the complicit Doctors and Hospital Administrators, as Wards of the State. In this way, beginning with the Maternity Act of 1921, and more conclusively with the following Sheppard-Towner Act, American babies were stolen and deliberately misidentified as property belonging to the Queen, and she wasted no time in splitting "the take" with the Pope, who redefined the victims as Municipal citizens, and therefore slaves, owing tribute to him, too.

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