Crater Earth - The Hole Y Trinity

3 years ago

Within the Hole Y Trinity we dive deeper into the mechanism and powerstructure of the Hol(Y) trinity and its role into energizing the KABA dome within mothers torusfield.

After initiating its first attack through the Saturn polar configuration , the parasite has pressurized our hearts and Earths bio-field with thousands of years of deception with war , hate , racism, isolation and many other unloving projections on humanity,

We are under pressure as powers are centralising its energy field in order to create a split in society and families using fear and ignorence of the self.

By increasing acidic levels in our evironment, humanity is facing a tough and full-hearted time of spiritual and physical pressure, will we allow the parasite to gain fully access to our torus field or are we gonna energize our own hearts to return the balance to save our world and our crater?

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