Under the Wire speaks with Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center

3 years ago

It is an absolute honour to have Barbara Loe Fisher on the show. For nearly 40 years, she has led the way to consumer-run activism on the issues of health rights and freedom of vaccination choice.

Barbara Loe Fisher is co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit charity she established in the U.S. with parents of DPT vaccine injured children in 1982 to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education. Barbara worked to secure vaccine safety and research provisions in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 and has testified in Congress and state legislatures. She is co-author of the seminal 1985 book DPT: A Shot in the Dark, founding executive editor of the online newspaper journal The Vaccine Reaction, and a video blog commentator. For more than two decades, Barbara served as a consumer member on vaccine advisory committees at the CDC and FDA and vaccine safety public engagement projects sponsored by the Institute of Medicine and federal health agencies. She has coordinated five international public conferences on vaccination, the most recent held online in 2020. One of the world’s leading non-medical experts on vaccine science, policy, law and ethics, she has been quoted in numerous print and broadcast news reports and has debated more doctors on the subject of vaccination than any other American. A human rights activist defending the informed consent ethic and freedom of thought, speech and conscience, she was featured in the 2011 documentary The Greater Good and the 2020 movie 1986: The Act.

Here are the links to NVIC's websites:


And here is their telegram channel:


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