Robby Dawkins: Underground Church Update Afghanistan (August 18, 2021)

3 years ago

Robby Dawkins is legit... Please watch. This is the link to give to help our brothers and sisters going through immense difficulty in Afghanistan right now.

Robby will be in that area off the world this weekend. Be a part of sending relief to your Afghani Brothers & Sisters.

"Now those who had been scattered by the persecution ... traveled ... telling the message ... telling them the good news about the Lord Jesus. 21 The Lord’s hand was with them, and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord. 22 News of this reached the ears of the church at Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch. 23 When he arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. 24 He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord. 25 Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, 26 and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. 27 During this time some prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. 28 One of them, named Agabus, stood up and through the Spirit predicted that a severe famine would spread over the entire Roman world. 29 THE DISCIPLES, EACH ACCORDING TO HIS ABILITY, DECIDED TO PROVIDE HELP FOR THE BROTHERS LIVING THERE. 30 This they did, sending their gift to the elders by Barnabas and Saul." Acts 11:19-30


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