18082021 New Zealand the slaughter of your sons by the Freemason DeMolay WW1

3 years ago

🔎 Ain’t this an interesting list, notice those with the “decorations” those folk with initials after their name ....
🚩🔎 notice they are NOT killed in action.
🔎 unusual given the losses for NZ were in the thousands !!!!

Freemason filth who led their countrymen to slaughter in service of their “FD masters”.


Same thing for Australia - take a look at this list under the heading of Military


We know their filthy Freemason DeMolay network.
Tuesday 31st August beginning 9am WE STAND as a people both sides of the ditch.
Deliver us from evil.
Thy WILL BE DONE ON EARTH as it is in heaven.

We stand Tuesday 31st August beginning 9am - no matter what! 🥾🥾

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