Is this really about a virus?

3 years ago

Aussie politicians and medical bureaucrats with their enforcers: the police and military are implementing policies that are arbitrary, cruel and totally illogical. They are NOT based in science, but rather a Nazi style totalitarian ideology where individual rights, such as personal autonomy and dignity and the right to bodily integrity are obliterated. This is Germany 1930s and the more we comply the more we are losing our rights. IMO Australia being an isolated Island has been chosen by global fascists to undertake a social engineering experiment. The intention is to see how far we will let them go destroying our freedoms and independence particularly the right to maintain control over our own bodies before we say enough. Not only is the vaxx an experiment so are the lockdowns, masks, business closures and coercing us to take an experimental DNA modifier that defies the protections embodied in the Nuremberg Code - unless Australia stands up against this tyranny we will forever lose the freedoms our forebears fought and died for. Life without liberty is no life at all.

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