Utah's Alpine School District Criminally Charges Local Parents

3 years ago

Please donate whatever possible to the following Venmo to support these parents in fighting their local school district: @britlinds

Here is a quick rundown of the series of events:

Oct. 14th, 2020 -
Parents attend in person board meeting at Alpine School District (ASD) Offices. No one is kicked out.

Dec. 8th, 2020- Local parents are locked out of ASD board meeting and are told it's due to capacity limitations.

Jan 14th, 2021- 5 parents including Britney Lindsey and Aaron Davidson meet with American Fork Police Department Police Chief Darren Falslev
to discuss AFPD siding with Alpine School District board at their reoccurring unlawful meetings.
Falslev and the police attorney claim they cannot protect the families in these cases, and say these matters will need to be taken to the courts.

April 27th, 2021- ASD holds a board meeting with anchor location but again, excludes the public from attending the meeting
(violation of 'open meetings act'). 100 parents gather outside and join board meeting via. Zoom to contest their children
forcibly being masked and tested in the district's schools. Aaron Davidson (charged parent) calls the American Fork Police
during the board meeting to help parents attend in person but was hung up on by Sergeant Lunt. Meanwhile,
AFPD Sergeant Lunt (standing across the street from where parents are gathered) and Alpine Employee Mike Browning text back and forth
mocking parents locked out. Browning invites Lunt in for a snack via text.

April 28th- Parents write Utah's Attorney General to make official complaints against ASD (Alpine District) for locking parents out of meetings unlawfully.
Utah's AG office replies with email stating they've discussed the possible violation with ASD.
The email states ASD has admitted their "error" and will correct it goint forward.
ASD turns their following meetings to online only via Zoom.

April 29th, 2021 - small group of parents meet with 2 board members to meet halfway. Important information is exposed during meeting,
which Britney Lindsey records on audio.

May 19 2021 - Britney releases audio recording exposing the corruption within Alpine School District during the 2020/2021 school year that was
admitted during the April 29th recorded meeting. Here is the edited 20 minute version of the 2 hour recording: https://bit.ly/34V8qkd .
That evening at 4pm Mike Browning from Alpine School District contacts Officer Sgt. Lunt of American Fork Police Department to press
criminal charges, in retaliation to Britney releasing video. Alpine School District is using tax payer money to press criminal charges against
local parents standing for their children.

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