GLOBAL SKEPTICISM: Bright Venus & Fixed Star Trails

3 years ago

• Before Sunrise and/or after Sunset, we can all observe how flickering bright the "dark side" of Venus is, while the Sun is setting behind it. Suggesting that Venus is emitting it's own light and not reflecting sunlight as we are taught to believe and that maybe it's not so far away and maybe it is not even solid/physical.
• The Aztecs, Mayans and Egyptians carved the constellations of Stars (the zodiac) into stone, roughly 10,000 years ago and none of them have suffered any disfiguration. Scorpio still has claws, Aquarius hasn't spilled any water and Orion has still got the 3 stars in his belt in perfect alignment with the 3 pyramids of Giza.
• All of the stars appear to be similar in size, they all come into focus at a similar zoom distance and we can see clear geometric patterns without distortion, disfiguration, discoloration nor blurriness, when we record a video and playback in slow motion...Proving that they are not what, nor where we are told!
• We should observe stellar parallax with all of the stars supposedly being such a vast difference in distance from us...For example the Betelgeuse star is supposedly 652 light years away from us, while the Sirius star is supposedly just 6.7 light years away. YET, these stars are right next to each other all night long all night, all night long all night 🕺🏽
This debunks the big bang and heliocentric theories! (no measurable change = no movement)
Music by Kamatoza...Email: for a custom made track!

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