Greatest Common Factor (GCF) / Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) | CAVEMAN CHANG

3 years ago

Factors and divisors are two words that mean the same thing. To be a factor or divisor, when you break down a number into multiplication, you have to be a possible number. Common factors refer to a group of two or more numbers. Break down each number into its factors. Factors that are shared in both numbers are called common factors. Greatest Common Factor (GCF) or Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) refers to the largest common factor that all the numbers share. To find a GCF or GCD, you break down the numbers into its prime factors. Select each individual prime factor with the smallest exponent and multiply them together. The end result is the GCF or GCD. If there are no common prime factors, the two or more numbers are relative prime which means the GCF or GCD is 1. Greatest Common Factor and Lowest Common Multiple are both tools that help you with divisibility, factoring and working with fractions.

Practice Problems:
Level 1: gcf[96,60] is 12.
Level 2: The largest number that can be factored out of 48x+32y is 16 giving us 16(3x+2y).
Level 3: 660,276 is divisible by 36.

Custom Titles: Simple Video Making

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