Covid Vaccinated people are being TRACKED in real time

3 years ago

If Vaccinated people are being TRACKED in real time, it’s all starting to add up.

Use MSM (Main Stream Media / lying news media) to spread FEAR (Covid) scare creates panic – everyone’s going to die – we’ve never seen a virus like this before People look forward to a cure for something that will kill them all.. A covid “vaccine” is created in “record time”
Covid “vaccine” is untested and not approved but governments push it through by deeming it an EMERGENCY Thousands die after taking covid vaccine Segregation between people on the mask issue People feel pressured to take vaccine for fear of losing their jobs and what others think of them The Covid “vaccine” is used to inject micro tech into test subjects Test subjects are tracked in real time (those who didn’t die from taking the vaccine) Was the magnets sticking to the arms of vaccinated people at the covid vaccine injection site real? If it is, it could be due to a tracking chip inside your body.

Did the government use COVID as a fear tactic to scare everyone into getting the jab in order to implant tracking chips?

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