Luke 3:1-6 "What Should We Do?"

3 years ago

Please allow me to preface what I am about to touch on here by summing up my view on politics.
Not a very popular subject today…but we can no longer ignore the 800lb gorilla in the room either.
Everyone has a political opinion…and if you have noticed…many of those opinions do not agree…or align…with one another.
Which makes for some interesting conversations…and have even divided friends, family, and the church.
Did you know that there were no political parties in the very early years of our Republic?
Sadly, we have them today…and they have been around since the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans…
After George Washington served two terms as president…John Adams became our second president and that is when these two parties emerged.
Please allow me to say I DO NOT adhere to any one particular political party today.
You see…for me…it is not about politics or what party you belong to…it is about a WORLDVIEW.
You can have a worldview with God…and a worldview without Him.
Or to put it simply…you can hold to a Biblical worldview or a secular world view.
Did you know there are no political parties in the Bible either…the only view that counts for a believer is God’s view.
The only platform is what the Word of God says.
When we are presented with a choice in this country for who we want to lead us either on a local or national level…
We MUST look at what they stand for…what their “platform” is.
Is it a platform that supports and holds sacred…what God calls evil in His Word…
Or does the platform uphold what is right, just, and good in the eyes of God?
The struggle for believers today is the line between good and evil, light and darkness…is becoming increasingly blurred by both parties.
I have always said…and will continue to say…as long as I have breath in my lungs…VOTE THE BIBLE.
Stand for what God stands for…not what some political party promotes.
Now, as I read this passage of Scripture you may recognize the names of those who will one day play a part in the crucifixion of Jesus.
As we read Luke three…we see that God has already set in place those who will bring about the death of His Son.
Leaders were rarely elected to an office in those days…they either were born into it, manipulated, and murdered for it, or took it by force.
But no matter how they gained the power they had…God would use them for His greater purpose.
And we need to understand that as it relates to the politics of our time…no matter who the people vote for…
No matter how they attain the office they hold…
God will use their position for His greater purpose…to bring about the return of His Son to rule and reign.
Please allow me to remind you that we are not Nationalists, we are not Democrats, or Republicans…we are by choice…Monarchists.
We serve King Jesus…and we stand for what He stands for…and we are to look for leaders…that do the same!

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