COVID-19 ROUNDTABLE (Mirrored from Awareness Foundation) 8-15-21

3 years ago

Highly qualified doctors and medical scientists/professors explore the medical issues with COVID-19, cautioning the world to halt the rollout of COVID shots now, especially for those under 35, reproductive age women, the military and COVID-recovered. They also agree there is a growing problem of "shedding" from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated. See my notes and annotations below.

Participants (introductory bios at minute markers): Dr. Richard Fleming (2:54), Dr. Lee Meerrit (3:54), Dr. Tess Lawrie (5:43), Dr. Robert Malone (6:28), Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (7:27), Dr. Peter McCullough (8:20), Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (9:42), Dr. Joseph Mercola (10:56), Dr. Richard Urso (11:46), Dr. Ryan Cole (13:30), Dr. Sam White (14:40), Dr. Dmitri Kats (16:07), Dr. Dolores Cahill (17:43), Dr. Li-Meng Yan (20:32).

Roundtable Highlights (referenced at minute markers ):

1.-It’s a real virus identified repeatedly thru genetic sequencing. But difficult to isolate. (22:46, 26:34). Misinfo suggesting otherwise is an insult to scientists who have studied all this for decades. Koch’s postulates apply more to bacteria. Propagated routinely in studies. (25:32).
Dr. Zelenko calls it a modified virus with lethality enhanced to cause clood clots and lung damage. Treat early with zinc ionophores and will survive. (37:00)
Chinese whisteblower/escapee Dr. Li-Meng Yan (20:30) says saw CCP influence on WHO, and it is an unrestricted bioweapon made by PLA scientists and purposefully released. Revealed this in January 2020 in Lancet and Nature, had to flee to US.

2. The mRNA shots people are pressured to get are not true vaccinations but are experimental gene modification and are showing serious levels of damage. 400,000 VAERS reports of injuries from them.
-Dr. Peter McCullough (doing much research) reports neurologic, immunologic hematologic and cardiac effects 3-6 mo after shots. 50% of deaths within 48 hrs., 80% by a week. 85% of deaths preventable with early treatment. Very worried about cardiac injury to youth. Foresees mass increase in chronic debilitating disease. (34:32)
-Opthamologist Ryan Cole MD sees huge increase in inflammatory ocular disorders, orbital inflammatory disease, uveitis. Eyes are a window to circulation.(43:54)
-Dr. Richard Fleming says mostly creating inflammatory thrombotic responses, with a Prion component, producing chronic inflammatory diseases. 2-6x increase already in Alzeimers. (46:53)
-Mayo-trained pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole seeing 10x increase in uterine cancer in last 6 months and reduction in factors that fight cancer. (1:35)
-Dr. Kats (epidemiologist) carefully reviewed clinical trials, says they were manipulated, less than 1% absolution prevention on the big 3 shots. (39:34). But tens of millions of severe adverse events globally. Genocidal potential. Heavy metals get in cells. Niacin, niacinamde, NAC help purge foreign serums in rats.

3. Shedding to the unvaccinated is a real concern. This concern came from many clinical reports of bleeding, blood clots, heart disease (not respiratory symptoms) in those exposed to the vaxxed. Need more research, cause not clear if so: Adenorvirus spike protein? Phermones? (55:45). But clinical reports seem valid (Fleming, 1:00), with consensus building on it (1:21). Dr. Malone, DARPA-connected and mRNA developer) doubts amount is sufficient (57:00) but possible in breast milk?
Fleming reports that an August 2015 FDA report had concerns about shedding in gene therapies. Not retracted so far. Inflammothrombotic responses especially.(1:00) Dr. Merritt is very concerned about it ,referencing a mouse study where intentional self-disseminating mRNA infertility (as planned) transmits via saliva etc to unvaccinated (1:00, 1:02). ( Debate on this: 1:11 to 1:16) She is worried could lead to global infertility problems (1:23). It's time to stop it.
Pathologist Dr. Cole is gathering specimens, should report in a couple of months. Says bleeding issues tend to correct after 1-2 cycles. Phermonal? (1:17)

4. Near-consensus on the panel is that the vaxes should be stopped now, (1:57 etc) .
-Fleming says benefit is not shown and he has analyzed the stats more carefully on Pharma's studies and finds no difference in outcomes. But good data vaxes are leading to variants. (1:28) -Normally clinical trials would be stopped by this point (Cahill, 1:37).
-Some want to stop all of it, others say do what is winnable (1:44, Malone). Malone says it is OK in high risk groups but prohibit under age 35, in reproductive women (1:43) others add also in the military (1:46, Fleming; 2:01, Merrit), COVID-recovered (1:46, Urso). Many had it, recovered and don’t even know it. (Kats, 1:47).
-Chinese and Russian soldiers are NOT getting the mRNA shots (2:01) Instead, hydroxychloroquine is used a lot in China (Yan, 2:04).

-The key is that it is treatable (51:20 to 54:45). Treatments suppressed because if it’s untreatable, the EUA is more valid.
-No need for masks, lockdowns, estc. , more treatable than flu. (Dr. White, 1:42)

5. Level of cognitive dissonance among most MDs is unbelievable. Most still think it is a real vaccination. (1:52, White). MDs are liable, unethical trials. (1:56, Cahill). Even a rheumatologist is telling all his patients to get it. Amazing. (White, 1:59).

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