eBook server – Get off Amazon and other DRM Platforms

3 years ago

Establish a FOSS ebook reader and possibly run a method of syncing those books.

Adding the server on top of the NAS.

First problem – the server is not always turned on. That is OK because I am a van-lifer and I will turn it on as needed. As an alternative, you can load this up on Linode and run your eBook server in the cloud.

Need to:
1.) Create the server
2.) Auto-run it on boot (this particular server is encrypted, so I need to decrypt prior to running the cron – setting a 5 minute time to decrypt the drive)
3.) Setup an auto-add books to the server
4.) Access the books from any device on the network


apt install calibre
apt install xvfb xauth imagemagick //imagemagick may already be installed
mkdir ~/calibre
mkdir ~/calibre/toadd

Create the share folder on OMV:
Go into the OMV service and add the media share with the user name and password

//YOUR-IP/calibre/toadd /home/pi/calibre/toadd cifs user=YOURUSER,pass=YOURPASS 0 0

Add books to the library toadd folder and run the library database add command:
xvfb-run calibredb add /home/pi/calibre/toadd/* -library-path /home/pi/calibre

Start the server:
calibre-server /home/pi/calibre

Background Service (Starting Cron Job):
Use the cron job – The daemonize scripts I have done in the past failed after updating to OMV4. It might work, but last time I tried it, it failed, so I wanted to run with cron which I know works.

@reboot sleep 180 && mount -a -t cifs
@reboot sleep 210 && xvfb-run calibredb add -library-path /home/pi/calibre calibre/toadd/* && rm /calibre/toadd/*
@reboot sleep 300 && sh /bin/calibre.sh

Contents of calibre.sh:

calibre-server -with-library /home/pi/calibre

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