3 years ago

Lately I’ve witnessed an effort to discourage individuals from doing their own research by condescendingly insinuating that they are not qualified to research, they are not thoroughly researching, they are not smart enough to properly evaluate what they are researching, they don’t have first hand knowledge so they shouldn’t speak on it, and a slew of other prejudged conclusions that when applied monolithically, only serve to exhibit a level of ignorance surpassing the initial accusation. This is yet another strategy designed to encourage one to distrust their own mind. Please do not listen to any person or any institution that assures you that they do not need to be questioned and that any information disseminated by any source other than them, is misinformation. This is not to say that they are dishonest per se, it is to state that any person or institution that does not encourage an individual to empower themselves and question everything, does not have that individuals best interest at heart.

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