Rifle case trimming

3 years ago

An important aspect of case preparation prior to reloading, particularly rifle cases is trimming these back to size. Once a round is fired in your rifle the case expands and distorts to fill the dimensions of the rifles chamber.
This totally changes the original case shape to emulate the chamber. That's fine if you will only ever use these cases in one rifle. If so, some reloaders only use a neck sizing die to restore the neck where a new bullet will be inserted into the same brass case.
I am not a believer in this process at all except for some competition applications where one rifle and chamber will only ever be used.
For me, having several rifles with the same caliber the more logical approach is to do the following...
1) Deprime cases.
2) Wet tumble clean cases with stainless pins and burnishing compound.
3) Full length size cases.
4) Trim cases to the lower point of overall case length to provide complete uniformity of lengths and provide sufficient room for expansion during firing.

Trimming is even more important when full length sizing cases as this process of sizing often lengthens cases during the reshaping process of sizing. This logically also means cases may potentially have a reduced life since case material has to thin out with numerous full length sizing operations. In my opinion this is still the best way to maximise performance, accuracy and consistency of velocity regardless which rifle the round is fired from.
The process of restoring cases back to original factory specs ensures proper chamber fit without jamming or difficult extractions so long as the final load is not overly hot and beyond the recommended limits of pressure.

The trimming machine used here is the Giraud Power Trimmer...
I have had two of these machines for the last 5 years and they are accurate and very quick to use. Large volumes of brass can be trimmed precisely relatively quickly.
Cases shown here are 300BLK (Blackout) but the machine is available with cartridge adapters to suit a huge range of calibers. I have several including the 300BLK, 303 British, 223 Rem and 308 Win.
The trimmer cutting tools supplied are ground to both trim and chamfer the case inside in the single cut. A big time saver.

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