Minister My Love

3 years ago

(Transcript - Part 1)

Hello, brothers and sisters and Heartdwellers family. May you all be blessed.

Someone made a comment on one of the previous videos that they hadn’t heard about demon aliens at all and wanted to know about it. The Lord has been giving Mother Clare many messages to get people prepared for that.

I then went through my old videos, and I realized I had done an extensive teaching on The Great Apostasy-Demon Aliens and that it would be a great video to repost. I sought the Lord if that would be okay and he didn’t give me a clear no, but not a clear yes. So, I decided to follow my inspiration and continued to forge ahead. The message was 53 minutes long and I was going to break it down into three parts. I had one of the members of our family transcribe the message which was a lot of work. She had done part 1 and was almost done with part 2 when I felt a check and I went to the Lord to discern again if this was his will to put these messages up as a series on the channel and he gave me a strong no.

I felt so awful because this member had done so much work on it as I thought to myself, “What we will put up?" because I had not received a message from the Lord in a few days. Plus, I am leaving shortly to visit my family and I usually get tied up with family affairs. So I honestly thought this series would be great on the channel to keep you guys fed for a few days. Just then, I felt a nudge, from the Lord as he gave me the reading in Bible Promises, “Loving God”, which always means to return to my first love, or he is wanting my attention instead of what I am doing.

So I came by faith to hear what was on his heart as I said,

Lord, I am here, sorry for not seeking your heart this morning. I really thought that the demon alien series inspiration was from you.

And I heard Jesus respond,

“Did you really, my beloved? What were your true motives?”

Well Jesus, I just wanted your brides to know the truth of what is coming and the deception that will be told to the masses. Also, I felt it would be a good video series to repost.

“Is that all?”

And well, I didn’t have any more messages so I thought it would be a good filler video until I heard from you again.

“And what else…?”

Okay, Lord, you got me. Well, I thought it was what people wanted to hear. It is a hot topic right now and those who post videos like that get many views so I thought it would make sense to repost and do a message about that.

Guys, Jesus exposes true motives every time. You see I had received a Rhema reading from “In Sinu Jesu” a week or so ago where I was encouraged by Jesus that I wasn’t doing enough to spread the messages on this channel. I kept thinking to myself, what more I can do? So I reached out to another Heartdweller who just started a channel a few months ago and it has grown tremendously. I asked him for some tips as to what to do, because since I started this channel, I have relied completely on Holy Spirit to market and spread the message. He gave me some great ideas but when I went to the Lord I got “lust”, which means I am in my flesh for me to do any of those things to promote the channel.

So I thought maybe sharing an old video about a hot, relevant topic would be good and informative for the channel. But the underlying motive was to get more people to view that video which would lead to more people coming to the channel, thereby reaching more people to hear Jesus’ and Blessed Mother’s messages. Guess, it was not a good idea, per the Lord. This is his channel, and he wants things done his way and if the world’s way or my way seeps into anything I do, he nips it in the bud. And I am so grateful for his quick correction. However, it came a little too late for that member who did all that work. I’m a hot mess, guys.

Jesus said,

“My beloved little one, the Rhema message I gave you is true; your channel is to minister my love.”

As an aside, the Lord had me pull a Rhema message from Heartdwellers website in the days before when I was struggling to hear from him and wondering if I should put The Great Apostasy-Demon Aliens message up, and it said, “Minister my love on the channel”. I felt like the Lord was telling me that it’s about his love on this channel, but I when ahead and continued on in my stubbornness, thinking this would help the channel.

Jesus continued,

“There will be times when I will give you messages concerning grave and detestable things like that but wait on Me, Beloved, wait on Me. You are not to imitate or be like another channel, Beloved. You are your own, unique channel, and do you know what makes you so unique?”

Because I hear from you?

“No, many hear from Me, Beloved, but it is because you speak from My Heart. You speak My words of love to many souls who are languishing and starving for something real, something intimate, and something they too can strive towards. You give them Jesus. Every single time you give a message you are giving God to them in a very real, and approachable way. Now that, many channels do not do. And that is why I have placed you on this platform.

“Don’t be moved by how many views you get or don’t get or how many subscribers come or even remove themselves, but you just be faithful, Beloved, and they will come. Many have pegged me all wrong in every denomination in my church and even some who are my servants keep me at a distance. But you are my spouse, we are one. We share everything together and that is why I want you to continue to share everything with our children, your flock.

“Share your failures, your weakness, your errors, our joys, and victories that they may know how present and real I am, not only to you but in their lives as well. There are so many souls who binge-watch video, after video, after video. Whether it be prophesy, apocalyptic events, the lives of others, but truly they are empty inside, longing and looking for something tangible in their own lives, a hope, a call, a purpose. To know Me, to commune with Me and converse with Me, and your channel gives them that every time.

“It’s wonderful to get a prophetic word about events, but it’s even better to get a word from God’s heart for you and that is what this channel brings, and I want to continue to keep it that way. There are so many emaciated souls who have found life, hope again on this channel. Many you are not aware of, Beloved. And they will grow in stature and mature and more importantly in their deep love for Me because of the brotherly love that has been shown and taught on this channel. I want mankind to know of my love, that I am not at all distant, I am not a judge, a harsh taskmaster, and definitely not dead. But I relish in the presence of each soul I have created. Whether they know Me or not, I love them with a love indescribable, as their creator, and would die a thousand deaths again just to have a relationship with each and every single one of them.

“My beloved ones, I wait and will continue to wait until you let go of the shame, the guilt the lies of the enemy that have so tightly wrapped themselves around you like a chord. Today I have come to cut those chords, My beloved ones, to set you free. Your weakness has not turned me off, your broken promises to me have not disappointed me, what you have done or what has been done to you has not disgusted me.

“I am not at all disgusted by you and will never be. I love you, My beloved dear ones, I say it over and over again. I love you and I am meek and gentle of heart. I will not push myself on you. I know you have been hurt by those who said they knew Me, but please don’t allow fallen man to tarnish My Goodness and My Character. Forgive them. Beloved, for what they did to you so that you also may be forgiven. I am coming to you now and I have a patience that you cannot outrun. You are mine and I am yours and this is my call of love to you today. Come, Beloved one, come close. Come very close, there is nothing to fear.”

That was the end of Jesus' message.

(Transcript - Part 2)

Song Lyrics
A Thousand Years - Christina Perri

(Verse 1)
Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

(Verse 2)
Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more


One step closer


One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Songwriters: David Hodges, Christina Perri
For non-commercial use only.
Data From: Musixmatch

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