Will Biden Bribe the Taliban?, 3669

3 years ago

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.

The embarrassment at the southern border is kind of a family matter. Things at the border are horrible and the US cannot sustain the numbers that are crossing now, much less what they will become when the weather is not so hot.
It’s a huge mess that will have to be straightened out by someone, but it’s not going to be Kamala Harris.
By contrast, Afghanistan is a huge international embarrassment.

Yes, the military and the intelligence services will be forced to shoulder some of the blame, but the bulk of the blame for that fiasco is all on one man, Joe Biden.

He’s the one who decided to abandon Trump’s plan for withdrawal and pull the troops out with no promises, no assurances, just put them all on planes and fly out of Afghanistan.

According to Biden, there was no way that the US would be evacuating the US Embassy by helicopter like they did in Saigon. According to Biden it was “highly unlikely” that the Taliban would take Kabul in a couple of months. Biden was dead wrong!

If Biden were a Republican, the Chinooks landing at the US Embassy in Kabul would be on the front page of every newspaper and be on a constant loop on the news channels.

But Biden is not a Republican and he’s not Trump, so whatever stupid ill-advised decisions he makes are by definition correct. The fact that he was utterly and completely wrong about what would happen if he pulled all the US troops out of Afghanistan is Trump’s fault, not his. The fact that the Taliban didn’t start taking over the country until Trump had been out of office for over six months, doesn’t seem to matter.

Nor does it matter that Biden pulled out 2,500 US troops and is now having to replace them with what has gone from 3,000 to 6,000 troops in a matter of days. The Taliban has lots of US weapons now, including antiaircraft guns and missiles.

The Taliban which now controls the country, could decide that its best course of action is to allow Americans and their supporters to evacuate. Or it could decide to start shooting down planes particularly those filled with their countrymen who supported the US.

If that happens Biden will have to send in enough troops for the US to clear an area large enough that planes can take off and land safely. Or maybe the Taliban would settle for cash. Biden could decide to fly in a plane loaded with cash to bribe the Taliban into allowing a plane loaded with Afghans to take off.

Former President Barack Obama gave plane loads of cash to the Iranian terrorists, why shouldn’t the Taliban get the same treatment from Biden.

Because of Biden’s total misunderstanding of the situation the US has given up the high ground and has to negotiate from a position of weakness against a bunch of terrorists.

Former President Jimmy Carter and the Iranian Hostage Crisis comes to mind, a crisis Carter created out of thin air, by being weak and not having any concept of how to use power.

Biden was so sure that nothing was going to happen in Afghanistan that he went on vacation and then Monday afternoon it was announced he would be flying back to the White House to make a speech about the situation.

It’s hard to believe that a speech by Biden is going to do much to help the tens of thousands of Afghans who supported the US and are now facing imprisonment if they are fortunate and death if they aren’t at the hands of the Taliban who now control the country with the exception of the Kabul airport.

I’m still reporting from just outside the soon to be restored citadel of world freedom, good day.

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