The Pitfalls of Attraction

3 years ago

Soul Fracture Fixer Mixer
A Virtual Class
Every 1st & 3rd Saturday
9 am- 11 am PST
Starts 8/7/21

Sign Up:
Spiritual Hygiene & Protection For Kids
2 Part Virtual Immersion Course

Sunday August 29 & September 5
10am-12pm PST
Ave. Ages 7-16

Spiritual Hygiene and Protection for Kids-

Children are tuned into the energetic realms in ways that can make an intuitive practitioner marvel. They just need the “street smarts” to safely and enjoyably walk the bridge between Spirit and Earth.

Often, the youth are more proficient at energetic play than adults, once they learn the foundational properties of frequency.

This Course is aimed to give them a safe and comfortable environment to share their experiences. They will learn the basic energy hygiene practices of grounding, clearing and protecting themselves. This fun and interactive virtual playground is meant to empower the youth and help them feel understood and validated in their intuitive experiences.

Hopefully, they will feel comfortable sharing their feelings and curiosities about the energetic realms with one another.


Intuitive Soul Advancement

For Sessions, Courses, Coaching & Classes:




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DECLARATION OF LAW: As per the Law, if any energy body or form on all levels, across all time, dimensions and timelessness, within any sub-layer of any and all existences and realities as per quantum experience of manifested or non-manifestation should attempt to project Unwarranted harm unto our energy bodies in any way on any level of existence across all quantum layers and levels, they will automatically be rendered neutralized from our Infini-Verses and will reap their own projected forms of harm upon their lives and their infinite experience, whilst the opposite will result in our Verse of Love and Abundance and Protection.

The same effect is enacted for any violation against or misuse of our publicly shared materials if utilized for negative purposes. All materials produced by Chloe Hudson are for the express purpose of the Highest Prime Original Good outside all matrices, counterfeit realities and Inverse verses on all levels, dimensions, densities, folds pockets and times in timelessness.

Shared information and labors are intended to serve the Highest Positive Potential in Unlocking individuals towards the Great Becoming of all that Seek Truth, Heart wisdom, the Heart of all Verses, Knowledge and Emancipation from all bound realities- Lauda and George Leon


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