Taco Tuesday Is A Trademark

3 years ago

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Taco Tuesday Is A Trademark

In a previous video, Andrei discussed the controversial LeBron James Taco Tuesday Trademark issue, giving some fascinating insights into the specifics, including his take on LeBron's claim of "victory" despite having lost the case. This week, Andrei explores another aspect of this issue that would seem to undermine the LeBron James argument that his loss was actually a win. In this video, we learn that Taco Tuesday, in addition to being a well know term for Taco Celebration, is also a trademark that is owned by Taco John's. So much for LeBron's case that anyone can use Taco Tuesday without fear of a lawsuit!
In the meantime, Andrei also rails against those who would vilify success!! Why should people who have created success for themselves and had the foresight to protect their intellectual property be turned into the bad guys for enforcing their legal right to prevent others from stealing what they rightfully own?

What's your take on Taco Tuesday? Should it be trademarkable? Should successful corporations not be allowed the same legal protections ad the little guy? Comment below!

check out the lebron taco tuesday video: https://youtu.be/QQ85PxEm8VA#TacoTuesday

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This video is about Taco Tuesday is A Trademark

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