Learn Just Who is Josh Reid Jones? #JoshReidJones,

3 years ago

Just Not Very Nice Joshua Reid Jones.

I watched with interest a video posted by a young businesswoman called Carly Soderstrom. I like many people felt her pain, only to be let down after allegations came to light by some individuals.

Not one to accept what I hear, I decided to dig a little bit to see what was at play.

I became curious as the lead protagonist was a person who promotes “Nice”, his take down was far from nice, it was a passive aggressive, narcissistic, misogynistic put down, and given his social media following he full well knew the potential fall out for the young girl.

It was bullying of the highest order.

But in life, nothing is as it seems, so I decided to put my magnifying glass over Joshua Reid Jones, and it further reinforced what I first thought, a white middle aged man wins every time.

Without checking his credentials we lynched a young girl, shut down an important debate about small business yet at the same time we were lauding this man for exposing the truth.

Well truth is stranger than fiction, and this story has a lot more to go, trust me.

For the purposes of transparency, I don’t know any parties involved, but I am a very good researcher and will continue to tell this story of a white middle aged bully, not for Carly but for my teenage daughters. Violence towards women does not always involve bruises!

#Sexism, #JustBeNiceProject #CarlySoderstrom

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