ACA Part 1: Before the sting, Sexy Lexie gets loose before the sting.

3 years ago

I decided to watch the interview that was responsible for putting to an end conversation about the struggles of small business in Victoria.

The pubic victim has been Carly Söda, a 30’something female business owner. I don’t know and have never met Carly, I donated to the Go Fund Me Page that was established in her behalf, and was annoyed as to the events that have since taken place.

The reporting and framing of this girl is a disgrace, I don’t know her, and all of my research has been done using publicly available information.

In 48 hours her anti lockdown, pro business message was shut down by people with competing interests driving the Government agenda.

It beggars belief that Alexis Dash from A Current Affair, a young successful woman would not research her sources and fact check their information before destroying Carly’s reputation and the message she was delivering.

This is as much about sexism as anything else, we must take a stand when our daughters, nieces and wives are treated like this. Why would any young woman fight for what’s right when the man will bring you down so brutally.

There are so many questions that need to be answered . Who has been behind the framing of the optics.

We are seeing time and time again, loud voices campaigning against the Government shit down in the most brutal ways.

I will fact check this interview and many more to find out who ran the campaign to get Carly and work hard to get the small business message back on the front page of the paper.

Fact Check 1: Josh Reid Jones video on Carly Söda, Alexis Daish interview.

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