Healthy Christian Women Podcast: Episode 029: Chaos to Clarity

3 years ago

In this special guest episode, Jenn Baxter shares how she went from struggling with Adrenal Fatigue to decluttering and downsizing her life altogether on an all-encompassing health journey that culminated in transitioning to a simpler, stress-free lifestyle, living in a Tiny home.

Jenn is a speaker, blogger and writer who is passionate about teaching others the benefits of improving your health in all areas by living the F.A.S.T. life: Fabulous, Abundant, Simple and Tiny.

Get the copy of her newest book, Live a F.A.S.T. Life - How Stripping Down and Cleaning Up Gave Me My Life Back by visiting her website and other health and wellness resources at

~Dr. Melody

P.S. Grab your Mind, Body, Spirit 7 Day Detox Checklist at

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