The Crossing Day 5 Dead Man's Cove

3 years ago

The Crossing Day 5 Dead Man's Cove

At the end of or very near it you can hear me making my final decision regarding keeping the boat. It was time to move on. Keeping the boat here until I could move on again was going to be through the roof cost wise. I concluded that the boat wasn't a good fit in our lives anymore anyway. Also the boat was for us to go have adventures with. I concluded adventure was afoot no matter what whether anyone was or was not wanting it. This took part later in 2020 specifically in December after the election. What a time that was. Many of us knowing the election was not right at all because we knew there couldn't possibly be that many stupid people in our country yet. In spite of the Department of Educations best efforts. That being said I really should have had he hull cleaned just before I left. Most of the fowling on the prop was off in a day or so but we were fighting a back current most of the way anyway. It was an ill fated trip, but my wife and I were about to move on from the boat anyway. She was ready, but I wasn't quite there.

These are the videos in this series. I’ll put these links on all of the released videos as they come up with a brief explanation of what they are.

The Crossing Day 5 Dead Man’s Cove

This is Day 4 of the attempt to get home from Tampa

This is day3 of the attempt to head home from Tampa

This is day 2 of the attempt to head home from Tampa

This is where I head for home from Tampa.
The Crossing Begins

The below videos are traveling from Titusville to Fort Meyers
Sailing Uroborus Day 10

Sailing Uroborus Day 8 and 9

Sailing Uroborus Day 6 and 7

Sailing Uroborus Day 5

Sailing Uroborus Day 3 and 4

Sailing Uroborus Day 1 and 2

This video was where the boat first went into the water. There is a warning here about people working on your boats. Make them repeat back to you what you told them to do. If they can’t do that fire them immediately and move on. Had I done that I’d be 15,000 bucks richer and I’d still have the boat.
S/V Uroborus Two Launches One Success One Abort

While working on the boat a sailing museum dropped by the marina next door. I was invited to sail with them over to Fort Meyers. For some strange reason I jumped at the chance. Go figure. I don’t talk much in the videos and they are a bit long but if you want to just eaves drop and watch as some do go for it.

Pinta Day 4, 5 and 6

Pinta Day 3

Pinta Day 2

Pinta Day 1

The videos below this are from the work I did on the boat over a seven year period. Oh and if you hire someone to do work on your boat don’t pay in advance ever.

Build Your Own Hard Dodger

S/V Uroborus Interior Refit and Repair

S/V Uroborus Cockpit Grating and Sails

S./V Uroborus Hull and Deck Rework

S/V Uroborus Dragon and Signage

In this video I discuss the whole experience of owning this boat. Below this I’ll add one last video I did on the way across the Gulf heading out from Tampa. I also have another banner that I’ll add to’Dick’s Diner’ I lived for close to one and a half years on this boat while working on it. I learned how to do some serious cooking and I share those recipes under that banner. I’ll be adding to it and explaining how you can do it on a boat.
S/V Uroborus My Time With Her

In this video I just discuss politics and where I feel we are. I loved the trip all of it even though it ended the way it did. You can see how tranquil it is out there. I did this under ‘The Citadel’ banner I use to label my videos as politics.
Save Our Republic

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