Title - "DON'T BOW", Part 2 - Message By Don Tuggle, 8.15.2021

3 years ago

Don Tuggle continues the Part 1 “DON’T BOW” theme from last week. Don describes huge government pressure and coercion to take the Covid jab. Many are bowing and accepting this and other bureaucratic national and state decrees. Don compares the present anti-church decrees to the example of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, under threats of a fiery death from the Babylonian King, Nebuchadnezzar, to fall down and worship the golden image (Daniel, Chapter 3). These three young men of God refused the king’s anti-god decree and were thrown into the fiery furnace. Learn how and why they were able to escape death and the application to Christians and the church today.

(53 Minutes)

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