THE LIFE OF JESUS Part 23: Spiritual Possession

3 years ago

The early church had an explosive growth rate after Pentecost due the spiritual possession that occurred with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Old Testament records possession by evil spirits since the days of Adam and Eve.

On the other hand, there was no baptism of the Holy Spirit prior to the day of Pentecost. Holy men of God were anointed by the Holy Spirit but that's where it ended. As a result, God's people were handicapped in the Old Testament. Samson could only perform miracles when the anointing came upon him, but demon possessed people were active all the time.

With the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the playing field changed as Christians are now superior to demon possessed people. This is not a denominational issue and comes down to whether you believe the Bible is actually the Word of God? If the answer is yes, then you know the Devil, fallen angels and evil spirits exist and can protect yourself accordingly. If the answer is no, then you are at the mercy of Satan and his minions as you ineffectually try to deal with their traps. The choice is yours.
Sermon Outline

Spiritual Possession
NOVEMBER 3, 2019 RLJ-1728

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