God's Way of Salvation

3 years ago

Only through and in Jesus can salvation be found and experienced.
Jesus states that He is not only the truth and life, He is also the way. John 14:6. Psalm 77:13 says His way is in the sanctuary.
Since God taught Adam the spilling of innocent blood as a necessity to obtain this salvation in Jesus (Gen. 3:21), the practicing of simple alters are found throughout the book of Genesis.

By the time of Moses, God's people (the children of Israel) had been in Egypt for over 400 years, most of that time in bondage. They had forgotten the lessons that were represented in the blood of the simple sacrifice as performed by the patriarchs. They were not able, because of their bondage, to perform the requirements for the salvation of God as He commanded them. As God's people came out of slavery, they were in the habit of the lifestyle of those who did not follow God. God therefore wrote His covenant onto stone, showing His people what sin is (see 1 John 3:4), and the things which were required for remission of their sins.
Because of these things forgotten, because of their sin, God added to the simple sacrificial system that were once followed a set of ceremonial laws concerning the sanctuary services, which revealed the entire plan of salvation by representing the future sacrifice and ministry of Jesus - a deeper object lesson for His people of even our present time.

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