Earth Alliance 2-8-21

3 years ago

The members of the Satanist evil cabal are in complete despair
They’ve already lost those that are left are merely puppets the heads that command these evil practices are being removed from the scene by the earth alliance as well as the galactic alliance the great event is about to happen we are all close to the time of the planetary transition of the earth’s magnetic pole reversal many of these phenomena strange clouds floods earthquakes In some countries etc
They are related to the alteration of the magnetic poles that occurs from time to time it\s something really unusual what’s happening, the earth alliance took over planet earth this is not public knowledge but it will be soon be it’s matter of time all the big revelations are very close to happening thus with the command of the alliance of earth the one most significant command on the planet the satellites of the Satanist evil cabala will fall as well as its evil corrupt and slaving financial market then alliance satellites will go live the alliance will have full control thus the entire satanist kabbalah money laundering system will come to ruin only the backed coins will remain the rest will disappear the resources of nazara gizarro are already in the hands of higher levels for its implementation the disqualification on ufos tunnels evils committed against children is about to be revealed to the world it will be officially published by the pentagon that ufos exist that they are here and that they are working with the earth alliance which will really be overwhelming even more for the most incredulous about these extraterrestrial interdimensional races for most people it will be a really big scare as many of these people don’t even dream that they exist
There will also be a big change in the media which will do good deeds, we will have a new internet when alliance satellites are activated, everything will be under the command of the earth alliance various structures that belong to the satanist evil cabala will be destroyed
for example
buildings with entrances to tunnels that are used for evil practices it will also be revealed that whoever runs this unbacked financial system is this entire evil gang of Satanist kabbalah this situation will be a huge scandal when it is revealed. We are reaching a time of successive revelations, the qfs in brazil is practically finalizing the implementation of the military court the judgments will soon take place for the time being they are sill under total secrecy but everything is settled in relation to the rules defined for military court to take place
the alliance dismantled a gang that trafficked women in brazil and abroad many were under 18 years old victims were used for sexual purposes and sent to various countries around the world to be the sex slaves of the powerful evergreen wasn’t in this alone in addition to it another 29 ships also seized they found in their nuclear and biological weapons that would be used against countries allies of the earth alliance containers full of human foetuses were also found which were rescued alive but very weak and debilitated these children would be taken to sacrificial rituals by the global Satanist elite
the ship was financed by the Chinese communist party and also by the Dutch royal family, the global Satanist elite is very articulated has vehicles fully prepared to transport children for evil purposes
the alliance is apprehending the movement of this group and taking these transports out of circulation there is great preparation when there is the fall of the satellites of the Satanist kabbalah there will be great actions of the earth alliance in the world all major military powers in the earth alliance will be fully mobilized for this complete liberation of all humanity with a commitment to do what needs to be done there Is a huge tunnel that connects the Vatican to Jerusalem it is a passage that was used by the murias a very advanced civilization, the tunnel was being used by the Satanist evil cabal for evil purposes there was a huge amount of gold hidden there all this gold is under the dominion of the earth covenant and will be used for the redemption of all humanity the city of Jerusalem is full of tunnels even below the holy mosque these tunnels connect to various places there many things are happening and not revealed to the public, many earthquakes in india many earthquakes in the amazon lots of tunnel explosions happening in these places to be sealed permanently many of these tunnels are gigantic the evil Satanist cabalists resorted to a network of tunnels very well articulated for purposes of human trafficking especially children in order to facilitate the extraction of the most expensive drug on the planet adrenochrome
among other practices that took place in these places many actions of earth alliance are intended to awaken as many people as possible on the planet to see what is happening in the world which will never return to what is was before
we are very close to making a great evolutionary leap that it never happened in the entire history of the human race an event of this proportion will promote the end of misery around the world forever implementation of unimaginable technologies healing technologies for all types of diseases existing in the world today
free energy
dimensional portals
interaction with other civilizations that are very advanced in technology, president Putin himself already speaks about these races openly in reference to the anunnakis look at……until min 7.18

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