We the People Convention News & Opinion 8-14-21

3 years ago

This Week’s Topics:
Prayers & Letters for Jan 6th Prisoners 3:30
Traitor “Republicans” pass Infrastructure 5:30
Senate Passes Leftist $3.5 Trillion Budget 9:00
WTPC Calls for YOU to Abandon Parties 18:00
Trump must LEAD the Revolution 23:30
Lindells Cyber Symposium Recap 32:00
Trump won PA by 425,000 Votes 37:30
Status of Barn Billboard Program 39:30
Dr. Dan Stock Vaccine Video 48:00
FL will withhold Pay of Superintendants 56:00
Unvaccinated Employees may be Charged 58:00
Pentagon Orders all Military Vaccinated 60:00
SCOTUS rules against NY Eviction Ban 61:30
Pfizer Agreements cannot be voided 63:00
What Census Data Really Means 66:30
212,000 Cross border Just in July! 72:00
Texas Arresting Illegals for Trespassing 74:30
Barrett Rejects Vaccine Mandate Case 77:30
Biden Begs OPEC for Oil - Really! 81:00
Begs Taliban not to take US Embassy 83:00
Dick Morris has Good News from Courts 85:00
Wild Fires have NO Connect to Climate 90:30
Rand Paul Says it is Time to Resist 92:30
Tom Z Wraps it up 97:00

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