Re-humanizing A De-humanized Humanity; Luke 1:76-80

3 years ago

Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 4/18/2021. As Zechariah wraps up his hymn of exaltation and thanksgiving, he turns his attention to the position his newborn son will hold in Redemptive History. Having made reference to both the Davidic and Abrahamic covenants, he now focuses on the culmination of all God's plan of redemption in the New Covenant established by the life, ministry and Crucifixion of Christ. Poetically, Zechariah will beautifully articulate the heart of the Gospel as God brings spiritual Light into the darkness of the souls of humanity. We will consider the profound meaning this has for every person who puts their trust in Jesus as Savior and Lord. Not only from the perspective of forgiveness and imputed righteousness-- but as the restoration of the image of God. With Jesus as our perfect model, we will realize that not only did He come to save us, but also to re-humanize a de-humanized humanity!

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