Mary's Song of Worship Part 4; Luke 1:54-55

3 years ago

Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 3/14/2021. As we wrap up our study of Mary's "Magnificat", we will focus, as she does, on God's covenantal faithfulness. After a short discussion of how God answers the anguished prayers of His people, we will introduce two final attributes of true worship: it is both habitual and thankful. Ultimately we will engage in a "living parable" of sorts, as we approach the Lord's Table and take Communion as a sign and seal of God's continued covenant with His elect through Christ. In doing so, we will be putting the principles of worship we have learned from Mary's song into practice. By reverently receiving the sacrament of Communion, we will magnify God from the depths of our souls, exalting Him as we humble ourselves, while pledging to habitually worship Him with gratitude and thanksgiving. It is truly a fitting application for Mary's song of worship.

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