Forced Vaccination - “Hello, this is Kate Brown”

3 years ago

Hey brainwashed!

Do you remember?

Do you remember -
When we said Covid was never going away?
When we said the China virus was made in a lab?
When we said the PCR tests were faulty?
When we said elderly killed to inflate death toll?
When we said all deaths being labeled as Covid?
When we said the flu magically disappeared?
When we said masks don’t help stop virus spread?
When we said vaccine passports were coming?
When we said HCQ & Ivermectin treated Covid?
When we said Big Tech was suppressing truth?
When we said respected medical journals lied?
When we said hospitals lie about patient numbers?
When we said shedding is a CDC noted concern?
When we said shielding & FEMA camps planned?
When we said the virus has never been isolated?
When we said variants will dominate MSM news?
When we said the vaccines won’t work?
When we said the vaccines will cause mass harm?
When we said lockdowns would come back?
When we said kids weren’t at risk of Covid?
When we said “trust the science” lacked science?
When we said it was all about agendas & control?

Do you remember what YOU said?
Do you remember what you called us?
Do you remember mocking us?

Do you remember each of those coming true??

Do we have your attention yet?

If so, why do you doubt us now when we say that extreme measures of physical restraint & separation of families will be used to force compliance when all methods of manipulation have failed?

Why do you doubt what’s coming here when it’s already happening around the globe?

Do you wish to fight back against or join this tyrannical oppressive global behemoth of evil?

Before you make your decision, you might want to watch this short video I put together to illustrate what our unified response will most assuredly be, if needed.

And I just want to give a quick shout out to
Circle Back & Ugly Stick, both of whom perfectly embodied the dystopian nightmare we are currently in, with their conniving, lying, chilling voices of Totalitarianism.

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