Real Talk Web Series Episode 128: “Please Don’t Ever Make That Face Again”

3 years ago

Better late than never! Join us as the guys come out locked, stocked, and ready to roll…a little toooo ready (Can you say “over-caffeinated”?). After singing some songs, getting “the giggles” (we are just as embarrassed as you), and some rambling, the guys catch us up on what’s going on in their lives, including: struggling to “love your neighbor as yourself” in the busyness of life, and having the power to CHANGE by CHOOSING to do it. From here, they turn to anonymous questions asked by YOU, including:

📣Where do we find the name of the two “mystery disciples” that Jesus sent to town on Palm Sunday?

📣Are their different levels of Heaven? Why does Paul mention a “Third Heaven” in 2 Corinthians?

📣Does praying out loud give the devil “more ammo”? Is praying out loud more “powerful”?

📣How can we share our feelings with a spouse who doesn’t seem to want intimacy?

📣What does Jesus mean when He says speaking in “new tongues”?

📣What did Jesus write on the ground when He saved the woman from being stoned for adultery?

📣Are “generational curses” real?

It’s a high-energy week with a lot of TRUTH mixed with a lot of FUN! So, grab that favorite drink, get comfy, and join the guys for some “REAL TALK”!!

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