HR 5736 or "The Smith-Munt Modernization Act"

3 years ago

A better name for this act which was quietly slipped into the 2013 NDAA would be "The Propaganda for Americans" Bill

The Traitor filled 112th Congress signed into law the Traitorous "Smith-Mundt Modernization Act" which repealed the earlier "Smith-Mundt Act" which made it illegal to disseminate Propaganda to the American people.

That is correct, HR 5736 or The "Smith-Mundt Modernization Act" actually repealed the earlier bill which made it illegal for government Agencies to disseminate Propaganda to the American People (Their bosses)

HR 5736 ALLOWED GOVERNMENT to lie and deceive the American People using Propaganda through basically any form of communications!

Including television, radio, social media etc.... Basically anywhere people communicate, they can lie to you since the passage of this Traitorous Act in 2012, and it was slipped into the NDAA in 2013 so it could get unlimited funding!

So if you've ever wondered why media went straight to hell about 2012... Now you know!

And as a side note, have you noticed that since Propaganda and LIES are now legal from government employees more mass shootings have occurred since Barrack Hussein Obama became President than in all of history before that time? Pretty coincidental no?

Original video by American Dissonance on YouTube

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