The Best of the Wrap Up News, Trends & Stories of 2019

3 years ago

Each year as we come into the last two weeks of December, we celebrate the very best of the Solari Report. Our content builds towards our 2019 Annual Wrap Up that we publish in January 2020. We want to make sure you digest the very best of 2019 before we present our strategic thinking for the year ahead.

Next week we publish links to the News, Trends & Stories sections of all three 2019 Quarterly Wrap Ups and the 2018 Annual Wrap Up published in January 2019.

The News, Trends & Stories section is designed to help busy people understand the trends and current events that impact our time, our resources and our risk management. These include our pick for the top 20 stories with key headlines of the quarter and year as well as our picks for UnAnswered Questions, Inspiration, Top Videos and a report card for the Trump Administration. Dr. Joseph P. Farrell and I then spend a full day reviewing and discussing our top stories.

In 2019, much of our focus was on the profound changes that result from the 2018 adoption of FASAB 56 – negating US financial disclosure, providing secret money for secret armies, taking large sections of the securities and investment world dark – and what we can do about it in 2020, including the #my212020 campaign. We continued to stress the importance of owning our culture, protecting and caring for our children and we took time to celebrate our 2019 Hero of the Year – Leonardo da Vinci and the Year of da Vinci.

Each Solari Report Wrap Up includes a dedicated web presentation converted into a full material PDF when the publication process is complete. The material is introduced over a period – each with an individual commentary and audio in addition to the web presentation. Our quarterly discussions with Dr. Farrell are truly one of the highlights of our year. They offer a rich analysis that weaves together a unique combination of scholarship – history, theology, science, politics – with economics, finance and investment.

The Wrap Ups are also printed in hard copy as they are completed. Digital Plus Print subscribers receive hard copies automatically. Digital Only subscribers can purchase the hard copies at our online store. For subscribers who would like to give hard copies as a Christmas present, check out our Holiday Special Gift Packages. [ADD LINKS FOR SUBSCRIBING, PURCHASING BOOKS AND HOLIDAY PACKAGES]

The Solari Report 2019 Wrap Ups are an excellent tool to help you understand the primary trends in your life – a fun way to build your immunity to fake news and growing disinformation. The goal is to give you the actionable intelligence you need to live a free and inspired life.

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