Journey to Chartres with Thomas Meyer

3 years ago

“We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more, and things that are more distant, than they did, not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up, and by their great stature add to ours.” ~ John of Salisbury quoting Bernard of Chartres, 1159

By Catherine Austin Fitts

In October, I journeyed to Switzerland to visit with Thomas Meyer and his family. Thomas and his team from Perseus Publishing held a workshop in Basel. We discussed our vision of the future. Would men and women live free in the light of divine authority? Or would we descend into subhumanism and hypermaterialism?

Then Thomas and I journeyed together by train to the great cathedral of Chartres. We were joined by members of Perseus Publishing’s Europa and The Present Age and by Robert Dupper who drove from the Netherlands to film our pilgrimage discussions.

As those of us in the United States gather to celebrate Thanksgiving, I am deeply grateful that Thomas and his exceptional team have become part of our lives. Join us as this great Cathedral and its builders and stewards nourish and inspire so many who journey there.

I will join Thomas in for his next workshop in Basel in March 2020 and he will join our Lake Constance Hang in August 2020. Solari Report subscribers are welcome!

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