The Emerging Multipolar World - The Unraveling Accelerates with the Saker

3 years ago

“I say that [Trump] is the best American President, not because his policies are good, but because he is the most transparent president….Trump talks transparently, saying that what we want is oil. This is the reality of American policy, at least since WWII.” ~ Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, interview given to al-Sourya and al-Ikhbarya TVs, October 2019

By Catherine Austin Fitts

With Western Leaders from Bank of England Mark Carney and French President Macron declaring the effort to create a unipolar empire a failure, the shifts and turns in cultural and political realignments are accelerating.

This week the Saker joins me for our quarterly review of hot spots, including what the shifts in Syria mean, the US-Ukraine Swamp CIrcuit that has replaced the Russian canard in Washington DC and growing global protests and pushback against central control.

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