Issues with the PCR tests. The Fine Print Says It Can't Differentiate Between Viruses.

3 years ago

Description: Mr. Aguirre shows how the current COVID19 test, the PCR test, is flawed and, therefore, providing incorrect data. The test results fine print even says, “it’s inconclusive and may show other illnesses”. There are so many false positives.

Who is Abrien Aguirre?
He is a Board-Certified Occupational Therapist. He has worked on three COVID19 units: two isolation units and one step-down unit. He feels the media has misrepresented the truth on COVID19 and truth on testing.

#mainstreammedialies #frontlinecovidworker #aguirre #hospitalfraud #falsepositive #pcrflaws #stopthelies #tellthetruth #karymullis

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