The time is now patriots...

3 years ago


A biblical scenario will happen, as we have been announcing, Donald Trump, keeps his promises. The BIG EVENT will simulate the IIIGM, but in reality it will be the definitive activation of the Military, throughout the Planet. Thus, the bombings on satanic targets of reference on the planet will begin, such as the Vatican, Buckingham Palace, White House, 3G dam, CERN, etc ... Big Pharma, Khazarian mafia, media, networks will also be targets. social, etc ... EBS will be activated with the support of 10 countries to provide coverage throughout the world. A Biblical Event that will bring the GESARA Prosperity funds, after the aforementioned blackout, with paralyzed planes and trains, zero electricity. To review, that the Bitcoin servers will be shut down forever (eye). 99.5% of cryptocurrencies will disappear. Trade only with ISO20022 currencies, backed by QFS. The event will fire the nuclear sirens, there will be movements in the water, the Stock Market will fall, Global Martial Law will be applied. Everything, becomes quantum systems, the Odin Project will be activated. The entrance of NESARA & GESARA, will give the necessary impulse for the change of elections all over the planet, through Military Courts and FISA ((Foreigh Intelligence Surveillance Act) that serves to spy on citizens suspected of conspiring. The Courts will propitiate confessions, that will be made public with 10-day films, in sessions of 3 to 8 hours a day. The blackout will be used to change to TESLA ENERGY FREE. In this process, the inauguration of Donald Trump will take place. The events will eliminate all multimedia systems Something very powerful (Rod of God) will destroy the MOSSAD media satellites, which will put an end to the media of the entire planet, which will be replaced by QUANTUM STARLINK, out of the reach of the cabal. Thus, the market will collapse. They will effect the change of the Rothschild Central Bank notes, to the Rainbow Treasury notes, backed by QFS. Executive Orders 13818 and 13848, will be in charge of clarifying everything. After the Storm, the Planet will be another.

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