How Can I Avoid Market Scams?

3 years ago

My Exclusive Free Workshop The Four P's of Building a Successful Investing Program →

Great strides have been taken by regulatory agencies to make sure everybody is playing by the rules.
For the most part, this has been successful.
However, there is a huge area that leaves investors and traders, especially those who are new, vulnerable.
The financial markets have a mysteriousness attached to them that suggest the best information comes from other, or outside sources.
Instead of relying on personal skills, developing independent conclusions, and taking personal responsibility, many flock to gurus and programs that promise easy success.
Many of these programs are very expensive, yet do more harm than good when trying to help people succeed.
Quite often, participants learn just enough to be dangerous.
Or, participants are encouraged and even required to develop the exact same skills as the guru. Since each person is different and must develop their own style, this can produce co-dependence.
Consistent success requires developing a skill.
Skills can take time to develop
Each participant must develop a skill that works for them.
Others can be used for guidance, learning and assistance, but it comes down to taking personal responsibility.
Sleaze Factor
If a way of making money becomes popular, this opens the door to charlatans and opportunists looking to make money selling get-rich-quick programs.
Most programs are pure garbage.
Scam Avoidance
With the Internet, it is relatively easy to do some quick searches to find information.
If a person or program becomes popular, there will be a trail of information found online. This should be researched.
There will be positive and negative comments. No program will make everybody happy, nor will it often have across the board criticisms due to manipulated comments by friends and family.
The idea is to get a consensus. Look at the overall big picture without dwelling on outlier comments.
Never trust anything until you can reach your own conclusion. Be suspicious and skeptical.
A Viable Alternative
The SPX Investing Program was developed, in large part, to overcome the scams and false gurus.
Is the SPX Investing Program just like the others?
Only you can decide.
However, The SPX Investing Program wants you to prove itself to you. Generous trial periods, possible extensions to trial periods, and credits for free access are available.
The SPX Investing Program is not for everybody, but it is the best program available, and getting even better all of the time.
The SPX Investing Program does not accept everybody who wants to join.
The idea is to have quality and not just quantity.
Standardized as well as personalized instruction, guidance and support is available.
Participants are required to demonstrate:
Have a desire to be a lifelong learner.
The ability to take personal responsibility.

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