The Cosmic Implications of Mind Control with Dr Joseph Farrell

3 years ago

This week on The Solari Report, Dr. Joseph Farrell joins me to discuss his new book Microcosm and Medium: The Cosmological Implications and Agenda of Mind Control.

It’s time for America is to break from its mind control trance. Step one is to understand that mind control technologies are real — and they are deeply dangerous. Step two is to see the opportunity — what is possible if we break free, as indeed we can do.

With Microcosim and Medium. Dr. Farrell has written the best book I have read yet on the mind control being used to manipulate you and me. More than once, I had to put the book down to digest an entirely new insight. I was amazed to realize how much there was about this subject that I did not yet understand. Looking back over the descent of American politics and communities into madness, I gained wholly new perspectives on what has happened and how it happened.

This book is essential to understand the world we live in and why we can, as Joseph so often says, “own the culture.” Indeed, I now understand what he means and what to do. Joseph provides the kind of intelligence that infuses personal power that no one can take away from you.

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