Enforce the Constitution - The Militias with Dr Edwin Vieira

3 years ago

I had the most remarkable conversation with a Solari Report subscriber joining me on the road to Uluru. He said that what would take us through this period of change was divine enlightenment and inspiration. The reason to embrace the U.S. Constitution and the period of enlightenment that inspired it was that we needed to draw on our legacy of divine enlightenment, that we and our ancestors had received to date. We should inherit the divine inspiration of generations.

To continue our discussions regarding the U.S. Constitution, I asked Dr. Edwin Vieira to join me to discuss his book The Sword and Sovereignty regarding the militias. Dr Vieira is one of the finest Constitutional scholars of our time. If you have not heard his Solari Report on why it is essential to enforce the US Constitution, I highly recommend it. LINK TO https://home.solari.com/special-solari-report-american-suicide-proposals-for-constitutional-amendments-convention-with-dr-edwin-vieira-jr/

This coming week, Dr. Vieira and I discuss what the militias operating at the time of drafting of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights and why such organizations have the potential to contribute to a self governing people.

Understanding the history of the militia teaches us about both our inheritance - the divine intelligence and practical values that support the rule of law in America.

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