Former Commiefornia Gov Schwarzenegger Hitler says "Screw Your Freedoms

3 years ago

Former CommieFornia Gov Schwarzenegger Hitler rips anti-maskers: ‘Screw your freedom’ & Our public schools are being overuned by Communist propaganda & force racial division .

1. RINO Rep. Dan Crenshaw tells Supporters there was no voter fraud in 2020 election
2.Teacher quits in front of school board because of “highly politicised agenda” being forced upon teachers and children
3. Top Atlanta-Area Elementary School BUSTED for Segregating Students Based on Race , it was a Black priniciple who made this decision
5. Best 2 minutes at school board meeting CLEARING THE FLOOR ON THE MASK mandates for children
6. Justice Amy Coney Barrett denied an emergency petition filed by lawyers representing eight Indiana University students that called on the Supreme Court to block the university's coronavirus vaccine mandate, according to NBC News.
7. New Orleans to require COVID vaccines or negative tests for bars, Superdome, other venues
8. Sean Penn says COVID-19 vaccine should be ‘mandatory’ for Americans
9. Maybe the unvaccinated should start listen to the vaccinated STAND YOUR GROUND DO NOT GET VACCINATED
10. Arnold Schwarzenegger says “Hasta la vista” to anti-maskers as COVID-19 regulations return amid the Delta variant.
11. Australian Member of Parliament uses strong logic against the illogical restore our freedoms end this madness
12. The Nazi accused jews of being spreaders of disease today unvaccinated being accused of spreading disease

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