Ms Naerdiel plays FFXIV part 22

3 years ago

This time we learn about Murphy's Law which states, anything that can go wrong will go wrong. So we queue up for Brayflox's Longstop, which is where we left off last time, after talking about changes that can be done to the hud to make things easier for each class in the game. The queueing takes a little while as usual, but we do random things while waiting. However in the dungeon our second DPS takes a break from the game, and with rookie tank and a healer that wants to fight more than to heal...we end up having problems. A lot of fun, but shows really how important each member is to the group. If just 1 is missing, then it will become difficult. And the difficulty rises with the lack of experience of the players. This dungeon is totally doable with just 3 players, even maybe just 2 (A tank and a healer) if they have proper gear and is experienced enough.
In any case it was a lot of fun, and the tank got almost a full set of new armour, so it was all good. And yeah, this part is all 1 dungeon.

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